Horchata, one name for many beverages
August, 6 pm. You are in Spain or in any Latin American country. It is hot enough outside to fry an egg on the pavement. What should you...

4 Spanish museums that you must visit.
What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think about Spain? Fiesta, sun, sangria… Yes, you can find all the fiesta, sun...

Spanish possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives are used to express possession or ownership. Possessive adjectives agree with the noun they qualify in gender and...

Irregular verbs in the conditional tense
We have already spoken about the twelve common irregular verbs in the future. Well, the same verbs are also irregular in the conditional...

Spanish sayings II
Carrying on with our series about sayings and expressions, we bring you here four new ones. As you know, a literal translation of a...

4 Spanish National Parks that will take your breath away.
Spain has no shortage of beautiful landscapes and unique natural sites for travelers to explore. Here we bring to you 4 of the 15...

A Spanish fiesta you should not miss: el Bando de la Huerta (Murcia)
If you'd like enjoying popular and typical Spanish fiestas and its traditions and gastronomy, you must visit the city of Murcia during...

A very common mistake when you are learning Spanish is to use the verb SER with the adverbs bien/mal. This is not correct. It´s a very...

Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in the United States.
Spanish language is on the rise in USA. Actually, Spanish language is, by far, the second most spoken language in this country. There are...

Verbs that take a preposition IV
We have already posted many verbs that take a preposition in the last months. Let’s see five new ones with a few examples. A: Volver a:...