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False Friends (2nd Part)

As we told in the first post about "false friends", false friends are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have differents meanings. Here are more examples of the most common mistakes:

1.False friend: to make sense

Correct meaning: tener sentido

Example: No tiene sentido ir a la playa si está lloviendo.

It doesn't make sense to go to the beach if it's raining.

False friend: to resume

Correct meaning: reanudar

Example: Ellos han acordado reanundar las negociaciones.

They have agreed to resume discussions. Ellos han acordado reanudar las negociaciones.

False friend: advisable

Correct meaning: aconsejable

Example: It’s advisable that they study everyday.

Es aconsejable que ellos estudien todos los días.

False friend: constipated

Correct meaning: estreñido

Example: Si estás estreñido bebe mucha agua.

If you are constipated, drink a lot of water.

False friend: change one’s mind

Correct meaning: cambiar de idea, cambiar de opinión

Example: Tienes siete días para cambiar de opinión y anular tu compra.

You have seven days to change your mind and cancel your purchase.

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